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Nat’rally, the Cap’n wanted to keep a good offing towindward of ’em Now I’llconfess I grew a little heated at this, my dear fellow, though Ikept my temper admirably-oh, I made every allowance for him, as aself-respecting son should, but, though filial, I maintained a frontof adamant, Bev But, deuce take it! he kept on at me with hisconfounded ‘nobody’ so long that I grew restive at last and jibbed.
Yet after a whilehe spoke again, this time to Peterby Then give it me, will you-m-my throat’s on fire.
Cannot, sir Suppose, sir, retorted Sir Mortimer, his cheek flushing a little,suppose you answer my question, and tell me plainly who and whatyou are? and he stared at Barnabas, swinging his leg to and fro ashe awaited his reply.
There is one within therealready marked for destruction Then-you refuse to tell me?It is-quite impossible.
Good! said Barnabas; to buy a house will be more original, atleast Here Barnabas dismounted, and gave the reins into the old groom’seager hand.